Thank You…..Gatorade. For going right through London’s system so that when we ran to the bathroom every 20 minutes….she had something to deposit.
Thank You…..Double Bubble Bubble Gum. For being SO tasty that London looked forward to a piece of you after every successful bathroom attempt.
Thank You… For re-assuring us that bubble gum does NOT in fact stay in your stomach for up to 7 years once swallowed. If this were the case, London might just have to see an intestinal specialist. Because she eats bubblegum like taffy. She ALWAYS swallows it.
Thank You….Disney Look N Find Princess Magic book. For encouraging London to stay seated on the potty for more than 2 minutes.
Thank You…Elmo Potty Seat. For fitting right on top of our regular toilet and allowing us to not have to bother with rinsing out a gross potty training seat in the sink.
Thank You….Target. For making cheap enough underwear so that when London does have an occasional ‘poopy’ accident…we don’t feel bad just throwing you away. Because seriously…who really wants to clean out poopy underwear?
Thank You…Costco Toilet Paper. For coming in bulk. Now that London ‘goes’….she uses lots and lots of you. She finds you intriguing. But we don’t mind. Because she ‘goes’.
Thank You…those close to me the past few days. I’ve been slightly ‘on edge’. I’ve consumed way past my normal amount of Diet Dr. Pepper. But it was worth it. Very worth it.

Way to go London!! I wish we were coming to visit in a few weeks like we did last year!! It was so fun.
Yay for London! I'm gonna have to barrow that DVD! It will be so nice not to have to buy diapers…..we're buying for three right now and I don't like it!
1. You crack me up. 2. Thanks for sharing (I look forward to a time when we don't have to buy diapers). 3. Your family is beautiful!