Teacher Appreciation week is NEXT week – May 2-6. I always like to do something special for the boys’ teachers. Plus…my sister is a teacher and I know first hand how hard teacher’s really work and how much ‘extra’ they put into their classrooms to make it a fun learning environment. They deserve being treated extra special! That said…I’ve rounded up some ideas….and will be posting more in the next few days.
This cute idea was spotted on the blog Lil Mop Top found HERE. The tins are from the $ section at Target {love that!} and the little sign reads: ‘Teachers are the sunshine, Students are the flowers, Sunshine helps the flowers grow!’

What teacher doesn’t love chocolate? I mean really…don’t you think that by about 1:00 our teachers have about had it with our kids and need a little pick me up? Which is why I LOVE this darling idea from Nothing but Country found HERE. They even give you the list of candy needed to go along with the clever little story WHICH they provide a free printable for. Can’t beat that!

And I am LOVING this little twist on the whole teacher/apple idea. Found on the cute blog 3 4 and Under – HERE.
I also posted {through my old blog last year} an idea HERE and HERE.….these are still 2 of my favorite things to do for teachers!

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