I absolutely ADORE this Summer Fun chart found over at The Crafting Chicks. I’ve been thinking with school close to being out….that the kids and I needed to make some sort of chart with FUN THINGS that we wanted to do together this summer. Then I stumbled upon this chart and realized that they included a FREE DOWNLOAD so we can make one OURSELVES! How great is that? Click HERE to see for yourself!
True story: The other night as I was tucking the boys in bed…I asked them “What are some fun things that you’d like to do this summer while you don’t have any school?” They both quickly responded, without hesitation…..”Go to IKEA! Can we please?” Wow. I like to think I have my kids {trained} but never did I think I had them {trained} THIS well! It’s a mom’s summer dream….drop em off at the play center…shop around… and have lunch for cheap with them afterwards! I like the the way they think *wink*!
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