Carson’s classroom treats were easy-peasy to whip up.
They’ve been doing a unit on SPIDERS this week and wrapped things up by watching Charlotte’s Web today.
{Side note: Carson is deathly afraid of spiders. Like FOR REALS aracnaphobia. For him to actually participate in this ‘unit’ is a GIANT step!}
I figured‘spider’ treats would be the only way to go today!
Four ingredients.
That’s all you need!
* Break your pretzel sticks in half and put four sticks on each side.
* Dot a little frosting gel on the backs of your eyeballs and stick em right on.
That’s it!!
Hoping those 2nd graders gobbled them down!
{Double side note: My OCD was telling me that these would have been EVEN cuter, had the pretzel sticks been dipped in chocolate first. You know…so they would’ve matched the body of the spider.
Oh well.
‘Aint nobody got time for that’ today.

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