* Yesterday I left on a road trip with my sister and nephew.
We are traveling 900 miles north up to Rexburg, Idaho.
My nephew is starting college up there at BYU-I.
I started college there 22 years ago…back when it was
Ricks College {go Vikings!}
I haven’t been back since 1998 {I’m old!} and so when I found out he was going to attend – – I insisted on helping take him up there.
Chocolate covered Peppermint Jo-Jo’s from Trader Joes are quite possibly THE best thing to snack on on a road trip.
Who’s with me?
{Thank you Maureen!}
* I can’t ever seem to fall asleep {soundly} in the car so I read my way through different People magazines.
I’ll be scouring the grocery store for this cereal as soon as I return!
Scut Farkus from “A Christmas Story”???
I’ve always wondered what he looks like now-a-days.
I’m not so sure how I feel about a Frozen 2.
The ‘short’ they did in front of {I can’t remember which} Pixar movie it was last year…..was HORRIBLE! And LONG!
I just don’t think they should even mess with trying to top the first one.
This gas station stop in Vegas accurately describes my experience inside.
Let’s just say a) it was nasty b) they had ONE uni-sex bathroom and c) the guy in front of me was in there for a good solid 20 minutes. ๐ท๐ท๐ท
* We stopped for lunch in my very favorite town…
Cedar City, UT!
{Who else refuses to get ready and put on make-up while on a long car ride?๐}
Brad’s Foot Hut NEVER disappoints.
Their English Chips are what dreams are made of.
Fried dreams.
From Cedar City onto Provo it was bitter cold and there was snow on the ground the ENTIRE way.
{Luckily, not on the roads.}
Arizona has really made me a wimp.
I’ll take the heat any day over the cold!
* We stopped in Provo, UT for dinner to visit with my nephew Ryan and his cute wife Cam.
Slab Pizza is a definite YES!
Soooo yummy.
Ginormous slices.
We picked up a box of warm chocolate chip cookies from CHIP for dessert and headed back to see their cute apartment.
These cookies were every bit as tasty as they look.
* We finally rolled into South Jordan, UT around 9:00 pm where we stayed the night at our dear friends the Helton’s house. One of my life long besties came to visit with me {we were staying at her parent’s house} and we stayed up late chatting and laughing our heads off together. Some things never change and I am so grateful for that!

I need all that food!!! -Carnie
It was worth EVERY last calore ๐
Why didn't you stop at the Spevak's for lunch? Well, nevermind, I know we don't hand a candle to Brads. I was thinking your parents were taking him up there, but I am getting old and don't know squat anymore. Hope he enjoys the time there. Tori's boys are so good looking and nice also.
I would've LOVED to have stopped at your house. You're the best cook EVER…even better than Brad's ๐ We were in such a rush. 20 minutes at Brad's and that was it. My dad was supposed to come with us but hasn't been feeling so hot so we made him stay home.
Sooo fun !!!
Those chocolate chip cookies look amaze
They WERE amaze!!!!