I’m still in disbelief that in just a week…Memorial Day will be here. Then..2 days later…the kids are out of school and then just around the corner is the 4th of July! Where has the TIME gone? This year we’ll be having my family over for a Memorial Day BBQ bash and then celebrating the 4th of July with them up at a cabin in the mountains. My mind is already turning with ideas of ways to celebrate our RED WHITE AND BLUE. Of course, most of these ideas involve food….why wouldn’t they?

Love these FIRECRACKER CUPCAKES from Kraft Foods found HERE. Coconut is used as the topping/sparkle-y stuff and a licorice string is used in the middle.

Also found on the Kraft website…..this Patriotic Poke cake. I’ve made these before and let me tell you…they are YUMMY! Loving the Red white and BLUE effect. Blueberry and Strawberry JELL-O are used and it’s actually quite simple! Click HERE for the recipe.

Since we have quite a few little ones on the Lamoreaux side…I’m sure these festive Ice-cream Sandwich Pops would be a HUGE hit. Found over at the cute blog Living Locurto HERE.

Love, Love, Loving these simple centerpieces. No Biggie shows you how to make the paper Lollies HERE. Super excited to give these a whirl!

I love the simple-ness of these Red, white and Blueberry skewers found over at Make and Takes HERE. I’m positive my kids would eat all three items on this skewer too… so that’s always an added bonus!

And speaking of kids….what kid wouldn’t LOVE the WOW factor of this patriotic drink? Family Fun gives you the how-to HERE. Hint: It involves cranberry juice, Diet 7-UP and Wild Berry Flavor Gatorade Fierce.
To see how we celebrated Memorial Day last year…click HERE.
And one more thing….I already have London’s outfit picked out for this year’s 4th of July festivities. Thank You Gymboree for making it so easy! {Note to self: Snag these soon…before they’re gone!}

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