Hands down, my most popular blog posts AND Etsy sellers are my 12 Days of Christmas tags for teachers.
I started this little tra-dish back when Grant was in Kindergarten and we’ve been having SO much fun with it, we’ve done it every year since.
I received LOTS and LOTS of requests to offer them as printables and so last year – – I made that happen HERE!
Holy Moly!
The response was incredible!!!
My heart was happy that SO many school teachers were being spoiled by their students.
And guess what???
If you’re like me and don’t like to ‘re-do’ the same stuff…
I’ve come up with a WHOLE NEW BATCH of tags and treat ideas for THIS YEAR!!!
You can view and purchase my NEW 2016
12 Days of Christmas tags HERE.
And yes – – I can customize any of these tags to your liking for a small additional fee.
See last year’s tags HERE.

I tried to follow your links, but I don't it didn't seem to take me to the correct place. Maybe you could check them?