I’m slowly getting my mo-jo back from all of the hustle and bustle of the holidays.
{Mo-jo for ME right now = motivation + inspiration}
I’ve added some BRAND NEW STUFF to my Etsy shop tonight that I’m super excited about. And good news….there’ll be MORE to come in the upcoming weeks so make sure to keep checking back.
Are you in Primary?
Do you need something to give to you primary kiddos each week during opening exercises?? This tag is SIMPLE!
Download, print and attach to a KOOL-AID packet + a KRAZY straw.
{Tip: You can find the krazy straws at the $ store. A pack of 6 for just a buck!}
Are you in a Relief Society Presidency?
Do YOU need a little something to give YOUR sisters each week for their BIRTHDAYS?
I LOVE this quote from President Howard W. Hunter.
Attach this tag to a candy bar, place it inside of a card to mail, or punch a hole at the top, add ribbon and make a bookmark out of it!
Calling ALL Young Womens leaders…
These tags make FUN Valentine Personal Progress motivators.
Need something to give your girls for New Beginnings?
What teenager doesn’t love a good HASHTAG?
{Or as my friend calls it – – a POUND. Haha}
ESPECIALLY when it correlates with the new 2016 theme!
Primary teachers – – –
Don’t worry. I’ve gotcha covered too…
Also great for baptisms, birthdays, Activity Day girls, etc!
As always – I DO do {ha – I just said doo-doo} custom orders so feel free to message me with any questions!

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