Our little princess turned FOUR this weekend!
She requested MONTHS ago to have a PRINCESS themed party.
All things princess. Everywhere.
She’s been anticipating this party for quite sometime now!
Although Rapunzel is her VERY FAVORITE princess..we included ALL DISNEY princesses in the theme of the big bash.
Here’s a peek at the fesitivites:
***My food labels are now available for purchase in my Etsy shop HERE!!!
We served lunch and I wanted to make sure that all of the food was FOUR YEAR OLD friendly.
Here’s what I came up with…
Princess ‘chip’ holders from Hobby Lobby.
Pink bread was baked and dyed at our local Basha’s grocery store.
Princess crowns were purchased from the $ bins at Target.
Candy necklaces were wrapped around the napkins.
I also scored these cute vanity mirrors from the Dollar Tree and added princess tags for each girl.
Watching them look at themselves in these mirrors MIGHT HAVE just been the cutest thing EVER!
Outside on our back patio, I draped plastic tablecloths from the dollar store around our ceilings.
I also made a super simple princess banner by printing off pictures from google images and matting them onto cardstock.
Our pinata from Wal-mart served as a table centerpiece.
These pinatas rock. No bats are necessary.
Each girl holds onto a group of strings and pulls the candy out together.
And it’s all fun and games until the birthday girl gets bonked on the head by the candy.
We also had girly ‘stations’ set up outside with little activities for the girls to do.
Make up and lotion table.
Make your own candy necklackes.
Fingernail polish and body glitter table.
Isn’t that cake beautiful???
My friend Ashley made it and not only did it LOOK fabulous…it TASTED fabluous too!!!
Don’t ya just LOVE the little Pascal made out of fondant?
You can check out more of Ashley’s work on her Cake Decorating facebook page HERE.
Each girl got to take home a necklace with their name and favorite princess on it.
I ordered these on etsy HERE.
The princesses finished off the festivites with an impromptu trampoline party.
Princesses jumping on a trampoline???
Unknown says
Hi I love your party ideas! Can you email me the tags too? Renee_dave0521@yahoo.com thanks!
Sara says
Do you still send out the food tags or sell on etsy? Here's my email in case you do. Yours are the cutest!
danielandjamietervort says
I'd love to use your food tags. Best ones I've seen yet! Would you mind if I used them for my daughter's party? jamie.tervort@gmail.com Thanks!
Kaysha says
Looks wonderful! Would you mind emailing me a copy of your food tags for my daughter's party next week? Thanks so much!!! My email is kaybrea@hotmail.com.
Michelle says
Not sure if my old comment posted! Could I please have a copy of your food tags to michellemaynard@bigpond.com? I would be forever grateful! Thanks so much :o)
Anonymous says
Could I also have your food tag files! They are great. bellefsen@juno.com Thanks!
Kira says
I hate to ask you again too but do you have the food tag files? I would love them for my 3 and 5 year olds party this weekend! Thanks!
Kira says
Oops hit before I added my email: txkira@gmail.com
Unknown says
Would you also please send me the food tags file? Jennifer.benchich@gmail.com, thanks so much!!
Unknown says
Are your food tags still available? I would love to use them, would really appreciate it. Manamu24@aol.com
Unknown says
Are your food tags still available? I would love to use them, will be having different foods for some of the princes's, but I love your tags. Thanks a bunch. mde1284@hotmail.com
Unknown says
I so love your princess party ideas! We are planning that for my niece's 1st birthday next weekends. Do you mind lending me your party tags? Please =) My email ad is ngo_kathe@yahoo.com
thanks ahead!
Amber Richardson says
Are the tags still available? My daughter is having a 5th birthday princess party in april and I'd love to use these tags for her food table..would you mind emailing them to me please? amberrichardson1043@yahoo.com
Ryan says
Absolutely love your princess party ideas!! If you are still sharing your princess food tags, may I please be e-mailed them? Thank you very much, ledde@charter.net
Unknown says
Love your ideas! If they are still available – would love the princess and food tags! Thanks so much! powerss@pitt.k12.nc.us
Unknown says
I would like the food tags. TIA
Unknown says
May I have the food tags too please? Mrs.JoanSwanson@gmail.com I'm pulling together a princess party this weekend… Thanks for your great ideas!
Unknown says
can i get the food tags please?? mlb2028@yahoo.com thank you so much
Unknown says
What a great party ๐ If they are still available I would love your food and princess tags ๐ thank you!!
Unknown says
Anonymous says
These ideas are fabulous! i would love the food tags as well! So great! … baileyg_06@hotmail.com Thank you so much
Unknown says
I would love the food tags, working on a party for my 3 yr old. Braceyj@vt.edu
Lindsay Rome says
Such a precious party! Would you email the food tags to me, please? lindsay.rome@gmail.com
Unknown says
Oh i love your food labels. i have my daughters 6th birthday next week and was wondering if you could PLEASE send through the labels.
many many thanks!!
princesses party says
Finish the princess themed party for your little one, give every individual a little present as well for them to recall the good time that they had with your one and only princess.You can also visit: http://tiny.cc/Birthday-Party-Ideas
Anonymous says
I would love to have the food and drink labels, please. cindyhunt@bellsouth.net
Thank you so very much!
Anonymous says
Just coming across this now. I would LOVE to have your food labels as well to use at my daughter's party next weekend (not sure if this is still an option but worth a shot!) The party looks amazing! Please send to jilliantperry@hotmail.com if you get a chance. Thanks so much!
Anonymous says
Great ideas for my 4 yearl old princess party… is it possible you could you email me the food tags? they will be a HIT! my email: Rosa2324@aol.com, Thank you!
Unknown says
If at all possible could you please send me the food tags? ashleybrooke525@gmail.com
Anonymous says
Your ideas are great, my daughter will love it. Could you send me your food labels. Thanks so much. h.wright@yahoo.com
Sara says
No idea if this is still an option, but I would LOVE the food tags if you don't mind sharing ๐ My daughter's princess party is next weekend and I'm using some of your ideas! Thanks so much for the awesome blogpost!
Anonymous says
Could I please have a of your labels and tags? My daughter's princess party is next weekend, and these would be perfect! Criddalynn@msn.com Thank you!
Unknown says
I am just looking to get one tag? The Ariel's Fish Friends! pednurse1078@comcast.net Thanks!
Anonymous says
I would love the tags and labels as well! Mandm2006@msn.com
Anonymous says
If possible, can i get tags and labels as well? Gabringer@gmail.com
Christina says
I would love your food tags too!!!!! Christina.sahr@yahoo.com thank you! I love this!!!!!
Anonymous says
Hi, like everyone here, I love your food tags. If you would email them to me, I would greatly appreciate it! psuandi97@earthlink.net
Anonymous says
Can you please send me your tags if you are still sharing. I am doing the princess theme for my daughters first birthday party. Thank you if you can send them to me at suzannespencer37@gmail.com
Anonymous says
Love your tags! If you are still sharing.. stacyg507@aol.com
Anonymous says
I would LOVE to receive the files for your food tags as well, if you don't mind. I am planning my girls' 4th and 2nd birthdays together and I love your ideas!
lalagirl8383 at aol dot com
Anonymous says
Could you please email me the tags as well. Thank you so much for sharing! You are a very gifted women I look forward to your posts. jordannmichelle@yahoo.com
Anonymous says
Could you please email me your tags too, please and thank you!! They will be perfect for my daughters princess party next weekend!
Anonymous says
forgot my email.. kwaltos81@Yahoo.com
Deb Mehlhaff says
Also very interested in doing your princess party for my 2 year old next saturday! I would love your food and drink tags if you'd be willing to share!
Unknown says
What great ideas! Would you be willing to email me the artwork for your food and drink tags?
Katie says
Royal perfection!
Jenny B says
Loved this party!! I apologize, again, for June's behavior. I'm sure next time (when she's a bit older) she'll appreciate every single detail.
Jason and Michelle says
Those are such cute ideas! I have boys, I don't think they would get as excited as me with those ideas.
Anonymous says
I am a huge fan of your blog, being in YW and all. However, my daughter informed me today that she wants a princess bash for her 5th bday. So I was so excited to see this post! Thanks for all the great ideas! You are so creative!
Our Family says
This would be perfect for my daughter's 17, yes 17th Birthday party. Would be willing to sell/share the cute food tags? This is darling. LOVE YOUR IDEAS!!! I want to get called back into YW, just to use your ideas! ๐ Keep them coming!
Marci Coombs says
Sure! Just send me your email address and I can send the tags right over! xoxo
Our Family says
Thank you!
Anonymous says
I would love love the tags also!! Misschasey@yahoo.com
Anonymous says
Any chance I might be able to get the tags too??? Giving you all the credit!! kathryne.pyle@hotmail.com
Anonymous says
I would also love the tags if this is at all possible? luckieduckie_31@msn.com
Anonymous says
Can you please email the tags to me too gisele_16@hotmail.com Thanks!
Anonymous says
Would you be happy to email the food tags to me too? pretty please? annie.k@hotmail.com.au Thanks!!
Anonymous says
Would love the food tags
Sonnie Humpherys says
i would absolutely love the tags for my 3 year old daughter's party. sonnierae.h@gmail.com
Anonymous says
could you please please please email me food tags as well my email is chrissywhitworth@yahoo.com
Thank you
Anonymous says
Could I also get the tags please ๐ Megan_nordstrom@hotmail .com
Anonymous says
Can you please email me the food tags – loved all your ideas! Thank you so much for sharing wsviers@aol.com.
Anonymous says
Could you please send me the food tags Anyone ? My daughters party is tomorrow and I'm trying to scramble at the last minute Thanks hurricanefnc@yahoo.com
Anonymous says
I would love to get a copy of the tags as well, please! Thank you! mt28681@yahoo.com
Anonymous says
Could I please get a copy of the food tags……Thanks ever so much!
Anonymous says
Can I also get a copy of the food tags? Thank you! KaraLBishop@gmail.com
mgadams says
May I also get a copy of the food tags? Thank you! mgadams10@gmail.com
Unknown says
I would love a copy of the food tags also. Ancy.post@emetro.org
Unknown says
I so love your princess party ideas! We are planning that for my niece's 1st birthday next weekends. Do you mind lending me your party tags? Please =) My email ad is ngo_kathe@yahoo.com
thanks ahead!
Unknown says
Could you please send me the food tags if you still have them I would love to do this for my niece's 2nd birthday? meg022584@gmail.com
Jessica says
May I please have the food tags if you still have them! Planning my daughter's 4th party too! ๐ Thanks a bunch. jessma106@gmail.com
JsMom says
May I please have the food tags if you still have them? They are adorable! Thank you!
Unknown says
I would love the food tags as well. So cute! Please share at tculadybug@yahoo.com. Thank you!
Unknown says
Can you email me your food tags please? carriepzeigler@gmail.com. Thank you.
danielandjamietervort says
I love your food tags too and would love to use them for my daughter's 3rd birthday party. Could you email them to me too? jamie.tervort@gmail.com
Unknown says
I would also love the food tags! colleenpabarcus@hotmail.com
Unknown says
I would love to use the food tags, if you still have them saved. Theyre just perfect for my twins birthday.
Unknown says
Can you send me the tags as well please? I would really appreciate it!
Thank you!
Unknown says
I love your food tags also. I would love to use them for my daughter's 4th birthday part. Can you please send them to me if you don't mind sharing them: bethanycstubbs@gmail.com
Thank you so much! ๐
Unknown says
Could you please send me the food tags? You've done an amazing job that my daughter would love for her birthday. Thanks. brosthome@gmail.com