I LOVE Laguna Beach.
It’s so charming and quaint.
If I was a ga-jillionare I would totally buy a condo there.
Who wouldn’t?!
Our morning began with breakfast at the Penguin Cafe.
It came highly recommended on YELP {gosh I love Yelp!} and it did not disappoint!
It was a teeny little place and right on the water.
Home cooked food at it’s finest.
Carson about had a heart attack at just how
BIG his pancake was.
We stopped at the grocery store afterwards and loaded up on ice, drinks and treats and then headed down to the beach.
We could not have asked for a more gorgeous day.
I think this might just be my new fave pic of my kids.
London skipped about the entire day…
…and dug in the sand….
While the boys rode their boogie boards for hours on end.
{Let’s just say it took Carson a little while to warm up to the ocean. Once he did though he exclaimed ‘I never wanna leave!’ Thank goodness for change of hearts.
We turned to YELP for dinner as well and found ourselves at Adolfo’s.
A super casual…yummy little mexican joint.
We headed back to our hotel afterwards and spent the rest of the evening cleaning sand out of every last crevice of ours.
If there was a crevice – – sand was in it.

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