Happy {almost official} Summer!
My kiddies are all done with school – –
let the lazy days of begin!
I wanted to create a FUN litle tag for the month of June and I wanted to incorporate WATERMELON because a) it’s delicious and b) it’s one of very few fruits I can eat! Ok and c) it pretty much REPRESENTS summer, right?
Reach out to someone this month and let them know you’re there if they need you!
Attach a watermelon, some watermelon flavored candy or even a watermelon flavored drink! Lots of possibilities….
There are 4 tags per page and you can print them out however many times you need!
Oh yeah – and they’re FREE to download!
Click HERE
April Ministering // Friendship tags
If you use my tags – please show me HOW you’re using them!
Tag me on Instagram @azmarci
I always LOVE seeing what you do with them!
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