Good News!
I’m back!!!
Thank you for your patience for those of you who have been checking my blog to see if I’ve posted my new MINISTERING tags for the month of January.
Last month was the first month in at least 3 years that I missed a month.
December sorta kicked my booty.
I had Etsy orders up the wazoo {thankful!}, I got sick right before Christmas….then all of the Christmas festivities…then our roadtrip to Rexburg, Idaho.
I apologize for having missed last month for those of you who download them each month. I am SO grateful that you come back each month and enjoy the things I create.
If you’re a long time reader of my blog….I have to apologize again though. I am totally copying my tags from last January. But….dont worry…I’ve changed out the 2018 for 2019 so they’re still totally use-able.
I promise to never EVER do this again.
Like EVER.
It’s just…the night I got home from our Rexburg trip, I caught a cold {didn’t help that my sister had one on our trip.} I’ve been sluggish ever since returning and I just wanted to be able to offer you SOMETHING to get going this month.
{Plus…can you ever really give away too many Reese’s? They are in fact my FAVORITE candybar of all time.}
Plus….with the changes from Visiting Teaching to Ministering…chances are….you probably see new sisters now, right? So they won’t even know ๐
To download a copy of my FREE Reese’s Ministering Tags click HERE
I’ve got LOTS of fun stuff up my sleeve and I can’t wait to share it all with you!
Unknown says
Marci, I just wanted to thank you so very much for sharing your talents with all of us. I so do look forward to seeing what new VT or ministering ideas you come up with. Wishing you a happy new year and hoping that all the icky illness are long gone. Thanks again for sharing.
Marci Coombs says
This warms my heart. Thank you for taking the time to comment! I so appreciate it. xoxo