I know, I know. It’s not even September yet. I just can’t help myself though. I am naturally drawn to all things Halloween starting at this same exact time, every year! Granted…it’s still 115 degrees here in Phoenix, so it feels like nothing NEAR fall time. But one can dream, right? Here are my favorite HALLOWEEN Pinterest finds from this week.

Skeleton Cupcakes made out of Marshmallows and white chocolate pretzels. Adorbable. Found from Cookies and Cups HERE.

Tootsie Pop Spiders. Love it! Found from OhDeeDoh HERE.

Candy Corn Poms. Have you ever made these? They are surprisingly easy. I’m thinking an orange and black combo would be equally as cute. Found from Nothing but Country HERE.
And last but definitely not least….

Plastic bugs stuck onto your legs. I am SO going to sport this look for this year’s Coombs family Halloween bash. Found via Martha.

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