I knew I wanted to give the girls some type of HANDOUT each night before bed to hopefully inspire them for the next day. My counselor and I each came up with two and placed them on their pillows for them to receive once they got back from their nightly devotionals.
Here are the two that I came up with:
These cute little pedicure kits were found at The Dollar Tree!
I also handed out these:
I found the poem from The Art of Choosing Joy
and just substituted the word ‘lip gloss’ for ‘chapstick’.
The candy flavored chapsticks were found in the $ bins at Target.
Please make sure to become an official follower
of my blog {right hand side under ‘join site’} before downloading. xoxo
Here’s what my counselor came up with…sorry for the poor quality in pics…they were taken at night. In a tent. With little light. But you’ll get the jist.
How clever and cute, huh?
Don’t you worry your
pretty little mind,
People throw rocks
at things that shine!
Be YOU tiful….and SHINE.
The saying is from THIS Taylor Swift song.
She also handed out this cute saying with a box full of Starbursts…

These are so great. Would you email me a copy of your Toes-timony printable? So darling! takeaim12@gmail.com
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Hi Marci,
I absolutely love your toes-timony activity and would love to have our YCL's use these with their respective levels during our upcoming Girl's Camp. Can you please send me a copy of the printable? I would greatly appreciate it. My email address is bselvak4@gmail.com. Thanks a mil!, Brenda
I love love love these could you please send me a copy of the toes-timony and chapstick printable? My email is atvutah@readytek.net thanks so much!! Sheila
Love your pillow treats – so cute. If you share would you please send me a copy of the toes-timony and chapstick printable? My email is marilynielson@hotmail.com Thanks!!!
Hi Mimi! I just tried ending you the link for the free printables but your email got sent back to me. Is there another address you'd like me to try sending to? xoxo
I would love a copy of the toes-timony printable also – super cute! Please email it to me if you can at laurienugent@me.com. Thanks!!
I would love the "Toes-timony" and "Speak with Kindness" prints please! They are adorable! rachelkirby08@yahoo.com
Can you please email me the testimony saying? mbkevans@gmail.com
Can you please email me the testimony and chapsick handout! Thank you so much!
So cute and creative! I am teaching a YW lesson and would love to get the testimony handout. Please and Thank you! lamb.jamie@gmail.com
Thank you for sharing, would you be able to email me both the chapstick and testimony handout? I will be counseling 12 5th graders for the first time with summer camp and would love to give this to employees. MandyH1101@yahoo.com
Super Cute! can I please have the testimony and the chap stick hand out brittanyw9876@yahoo.com
Thank you so much for sharing, what talent!! Could I please get a copy of both your chapstick and testimony handout? That is so perfect. I would really appreciate it, thanks sjmono65@yahoo.com.
May i please get a copy of your testimony handout, I am talking about testimonies in my lesson on Sunday and I absolutely LOVE this! Thanks! jocox07@gmail.com
Can we get the handout for the chapstick? LOVE this idea- so cute!!!
Can you please email me your Chapstick and toes-timony handout? Bgarr22@msn.com
Super cute! Thanks for being so creative!
I agree with the previous comments – – great ideas! Would you be willing to share your chapstick handout? What a great reminder for these girls!! Thank you! misscubs@aol.com
Will you please email me your 2012 Toes-timony and Speak with Kindness chap stick handouts. Would love them for camp this week!!! You're amazing!!
Love these ideas. I am a YCL at girls camp next week, could I get a copy of these handouts as well? Thanks!
Would you mind emailing me your pillow treats? I would love to use them at camp this week! hulseyfam@gmail.com Very cute ideas!
Love the toes hand out. Don't see a way to pull up though. do we just request it? My email is joelnjenny@msn.com thx!!
Could I get a copy of your toes hand out? It is adorable and fits right in with what we are doing? Thank you! nelliegirl85@msn.com
Can I get a copy of the polish your "toes-timony" Please? kendra110@msn.com Thank you!!
Can I have a copy of your toes handout? Brsael@gmail.com
I love your handouts! Can I have a copy of your handouts? My email: jdtaulbee@hotmail.com
Could you please email me your Chapstick handout? We have Girl's Camp next week and I love that! Thanks so much!! ๐
Can I get a copy of your 2 handouts too please?? I am incorporating "pedicures" in my teaching time and that one would be PERFECT!!! Thank you!!
Nicdru38@cox.net or nicoleragusa@gmail.com
I came across your blog on Pinterest and I can't tell you how much I love your ideas!! We are getting ready for girls camp and I would LOVE if you could please email me the "toes"-timony hand out?
Thanks a bunch!!
Very cute and clever! Can I please get a copy of the "toes"-timony handout?
Could I please get a copy of the Chapstick poem? Thanks! Kristinelson1981@gmail.com
I'd love a copy of the chapstick printable!
Thanks, Annie
I am preparing for camp and the toes-timony and chapstick handouts would be perfect additions. Please email me a copy. Wendy@arrowa.com
Hi, Can you email me the toes-timony and chapstick handouts as well? We are preparing for camp and I think they will be perfect! amacilroy@hotmail.com
Hi! Any chance you can email me the toes-timony handout? I didn't see a printable here? Thanks!. megcliffy@hotmail.com
Love your ideas! I would love a copy of your handouts. We are using the Young Women's theme at camp this year. The toes-timony idea is perfect for our theme. Thank you so much
I would love a copy of your "Toes-timony" and "speak with Kindness" files if you are sharing. Thank you for being so generous with your incredible talent!
Super cute! May I please get copies of your handouts for our girls' camp? My email is justimagineinc@gmail.com. Thanks so much!!
Love your ideas! Could I also get copies of your pillow treats, "toes"timony and chapstick handouts? yates6537@msn.com
These are wonderful. Could I get a copy of the "TOES" -imony handout? Thanks! aimeeportie@gmail.com
I don't know if you are back from camp yet. If so, could you please email me the chapstick handout? Thanks for sharing your gift of creativity!
I would love a copy of your cute handouts. Are you willing to email them out? thanks! jakeandceleste@gmail.com
Would love a copy of the cute testimony handout, perfectly cute pillow treat! If you could email it to me at brittneythurston@gmail.com I would be so appreciative. Thanks for sharing!
I am a first time camp director and have loved looking over your posts on pinterest. Love the pillow treat handouts. Would you email them to me? Email is renaedc@gmail.com. Thanks for sharing your creativity
I love these pillow treats! Could you please email me the testimony one? My email is clmadson@gmail.com
Thank you!
I love your handouts! Could you please email them to me too! my email is myersfamilyut@msn.com
Thank you for sharing!
I LOVE the pillow treats!!! Could you please email them to me harleysweety68@yahoo.com
thank you so much
Your handouts are great! Can I get them emailed to me too? Pretty please?
I love your handouts! Would you be willing to share your Testimony and Words of Kindness handouts? Would like to use them for our Girl's Camp that is coming up WAY to QUICK! Thank you!
You are just simply AMAZING! Thanks for all the cute ideas that you are sharing. Is there anyway that you could send me your Speak with Kindness handout? Thanks!
Your handouts are adorable! would you mind sending me the Testimony one and the speak with kindness one. Our girls camp is in a few weeks and these would be perfect. Thanks! kjeppson7@gmail.com
Do you still have copies of your "pillow talks". I would love to do a few of these for our little devotionals. Can you email me? twitchy56@hotmail.com
Can I get a copy of your testimony handout? Thank you….i love it!!
These are so perfect for girls camp!! Thank you for sharing! Could you please email me both handouts as well? My YW will love them! Thank you again! Lindsay.D@comcast.net
Is it still possible to get a copy of your handouts? If so I would love a copy. Thanks for sharing such great ideas. j-emcknight@hotmail.com
Oh my goodness! I love this! Thank you so much for sharing! Would you be able to email me both the handouts! That would be MUCH appreciated! sluithle@yahoo.com
Hi, you are so talented!! Would you mind emailing me the sayings??? It would help me so much! I have the testimony lesson Sunday and then Beehive camp and I would love to do the pillow treats! Thank you in advance! Wendy wlewis@allredjackson.com
could you please email me all the sayings you show here? would love to use them next month for girls camp. thank you cummingslucky8@yahoo.com
Would love to use your testimony handout for this months YW lesson on strengthening testimonies. My email is scharee.bergstrom at gmail.com. Thanks!
Your handouts are darling! Will you please send the toes and chap stick one to my email. I think the girls would LOVE them!! Thank You! hillaryutley@gmail.com
Hi Marci! Do you mind sending me both of your handouts? My email is onewildefamily at yahoo dot com
Thank you for sharing your talent!!!
Hi Marci! You have created some great handouts!!! Is there anyway to get your handouts? Thank you… d_mccarney@hotmail.com
Hi, Can you email me your girls camp handouts? autumallen2@yahoo.com
Hi,we are having a winter girls camp and I would love it if you could email me the Testimony handout. goviatt@hotmail.com
Hi Marci! I came across your blog via Pinterest. How talented you are!! I would love to use some of your ideas for our Girls Camp this summer! I'm wondering if I can pay you for some of your copies. My email is kelsea823@yahoo.com. Thanks! Kelly
These are adorable!!! I was wondering if you oculd email me the chapstick handout? hdslade88@gmail.com
You are great. Can you email me at djwalker1934@yahoo.com. I would love any of the poems here, Toes-timony, starburst, pop rocks, and Speak with kindness.
I put some pedicure sets together and would LOVE a copy of your handout to go along with it! Would you mind sending me a copy? Thanks! ginabellporter@yahoo.com
Our YW president came across your blog and asked me to copy some of your ideas for our girls camp coming up over fall break. Just wondering if you would mind sending me your "Toes"-timony handout? natbroekman@yahoo.com THANKS SO MUCH!
~Natalie Broekman
Oh my goodness! Do you really spend all your time emailing everyone the handouts? If feel guilty even asking because of the huge volume of people who have already, but if you could it would be a great time-saver! Otherwise I will figure out how to do it on my own! So just in case: terawill@att.net
thanks so much for sharing your ideas and talents with us!
Hi there, I was wondering if you could forward me a copy of your "Toes"timony hand out. Thank you ckerryann@hotmail.com
Would love a copy of your handouts!!! Thanks!! jill7eddie@hotmail.com
Once again I would LOVE copies! Thanks! jolee.bottorff@gmail.com
You are incredible! How creative…I love seeing all your ideas. Could you send me the handouts for your toes-timony and chapstick. What a blessing you are to your young women. My email is jilldeskins10@yahoo.com. Thank you!
I love all these handouts there super cute! I was wondering if you could send me the toes-timony and the chapstick one. My email is shaerenee64@yahoo.com Thanks!
First of all I LOVE your blog! You are so creative and I just love all your ideas! I was wondering if I could get a copy of your pedicure handout? Thanks again for posting and sharing your awesome ideas. Your girls are so blessed to have such caring leaders!
Thank you!!
Could I get a copy of the handouts? Especially the chapstick one, we are not allowed food treats as there is a mouse problem at our camp.
Thank you!
We have camp in a week and I would love a copy of your camp handouts. My e-mail is lisagarm@gmail.com. Thank you.
we are heading to camp next week I absolutley love the hand out ideas could you send me a copy of them too! jana@brewerfam.com
You are one very talented lady! I've used a couple of ideas off your blog and the girls LOVE the handouts! Could you please email me the chapstick and testimony handouts? I would greatly appreciate it… My name is Mary and my email address is: wilkenfamily@frontier.com Thanks again for all of your hard work!
What great ideas!! Could you please e-mail me the pdf. for the feet and the lip balm:) This would be great to do for activity days too. Thank you. I really appreciate your help. Jennyb82@gmail.com
Hi there! I think you are absolutely amazing! Would you mind emailing me the testimony and and chapstick handouts? You are so very creative! i'd appreciate it so much ! Thanks! bountifulsmiles@yahoo.com
This is so perfect!! Could you please email me the handouts!! You saved me with this!! slomu7@yahoo.com
I love these! How adorable. I was wondering if you would possibly be willing to email these to me, especially the testimony handout. I just love it and am doing a lesson this week on testimony in Young Womens. I would really appreciate your help! I just love how you turned these serious gospel topics into something teenagers could relate to and enjoy. My email address is tomandkeely@hotmail.com Thank you for sharing your talents!
Can you email me the testimony and chapstick handouts…..they are adorable!!! jame.cromer@gmail.com
Can you pretty pretty please send me the toestimony handout. ๐ I have girls camp in two days and have left secret sister stuff for the last minute! ๐ I guess that's what happens when you are a leader huh? haha Thanks so much! I love your blog. my email is dover381@yahoo.com
Can I get an email also with the testimony handout? I need it for my lesson Sunday! That would be perfect!!
Sorry..my email is taytayshaybay@yahoo.com
Would love to get a copy of your cute handouts as well! Thanks do much! wendyhanson75@gmail.com
Your stuff is soooo cute! Is there any way you could email me the file for the testimony handout at mconrad32@gmail.com
Your stuff is soooo cute! Is there any way you could email me the file for the testimony handout at mconrad32@gmail.com
Wow I love your cute handouts. Can you please email them to me at jamesandnettie@gmail.com. Thanks so very much they are just what I am look for:)
Hi! Do you mind emailing me all of your handouts as well and the sayings? I am yw pres in Centennial ward! These are awesome ideas. azjenniedevil@yahoo.com.
Hi! Do you mind emailing me all of your handouts as well and the sayings? I am yw pres in Centennial ward! These are awesome ideas. azjenniedevil@yahoo.com.
oh my gosh – you are amazing would you mind emailing me your handouts also for all your camp stuff would love to use it for my kids at camp
I love these!! I would love to make them for my girls. I am a cabin mom. We have camp starting this coming week. Would you mind emailing me both of your handouts? debgilmore@satx.rr.com
Thank you so much!!!!
So so cute will you please e-mail me your handouts gman2701@yahoo.com Thank you so much!!!
This is perfect for my girls! Will you please e-mail me the handouts jillgarfield@gmail.com. Thanks!!!
I've been looking for a cute handout to take to our girls at oakcrest. Would you mind sending me the testimony handout? Pretty Please? marcihagen@yahoo.com
Yes, please send me both handouts as well!! I have a Silhouette and will be excited to make the little boxes with Starbursts in them as well! Thank you tons! lynnel.springer@gmail.com
I would love a copy of your pillow treat handouts! Super cute! Stacileavitt@gmail.com. Thanks
I'm the camp director in my ward and would LOVE copies of the pedicure and chapstick handouts! My email is tracy.berrett@gmail.com. Thanks for all the cute ideas!
I am headed to girl's camp next week. It will be my first time as a leader! I really like the idea of pillow treats. I was wondering if you could email me the chapstick poes. I found the same ones at target!
kickincattle@ckt.net Thanks
Great Handouts!!! Would you send me a copy? Thanks paulaurie@juno.com
Could you send me a copy of your handouts. Thank you. rvricks@gmail.com
Hey im a ycl and looking for handouts to give my girls! these are super cute! could you email me the testimony handout? scoresmt@yahoo.com
I would also love copies of both or your handouts. Thansk so much for sharing your talents and ideas with us! boghem3mec@yahoo.com
Will you please share your testimony handout? Thanks for posting such fun ideas. michelledevey@allwest.net
Could I please get a copy of the testimony and chapstick saying also? You are awesome! Thank you! rich_wen@hotmail.com
I love your ideas!They were exactly what I was looking for! Could you please email me the testimony and the chapstick saying? Thanks so much! mlsmitheram@hotmail.com
I would love you to email me the Toes-timony saying? Thanks rjflory@hotmail.com
I love these! Tomorrow is testimony meeting for our girls at camp. ๐ I am going to make these to give to them. Could you please email me the copy of the toes-timony? Thanks for sharing! noni7796@gmail.com
I found your blog via Pinterest! Hope it's ok that I swung by! I adore all your cute print's that you make! Very inspiring! We leave for camp in July! Our theme is "Arise, Shine, Be Divine"! Your girls are very lucky to have a leader like you!
Very cute! Our girls leave for camp in the morning so I made a quick trip to target and made some "pillow treats.' Thanks for the great ideas.