General Conference is upon is and I could not be more excited. My heart is eager to begin hearing the words of our church leaders this weekend at the General Womens Session and then again next weekend.
It’s always nice to encourage others to share in the joy of this weekend {the messages spoken are always just what I need to hear it seems like!}
I like to create a little handout to attach to something each time Conference rolls around – – to deliver to my friends, visiting teachers, etc. to motivate them to watch General Conference.
{Hoping to post a BRAND NEW ONE next week!}
For now…you can download and recreate these from years past….
And P.S. – – be sure to check out my ETSY SHOP – – it’s loaded with lots of fun LDS treat ideas and gifts just in time for the HOLIDAYS!
Relief Society, Young Womens, Primary?
I’ve gotcha covered!
Can you even believe it’s TIME to START thinking about the holidays????

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