In just a week and a half, our church will be able to watch our
living prophet Thomas S. Monson speak in
For those not familiar with my religion –
General Conference = the first weekend of April & October where our Prophet and his apostles speak to their congregation from all over the world, in Salt Lake City. It is broadcast live over the internet and cable television. There are 4 – 2 hour sessions. In lieu of going to church on that Sunday….we stay at home and watch ‘conference’ on TV.
To learn more about it you can click HERE.
This is easily one of my most favorite weekends of the year!
It’s a chance to be edified and spiritually uplifted. And who doesn’t need a little of that?
If you teach the Young Womens, and are looking for a little way to encourage your girls to WATCH General Conference….I’ve done a litte round-up of some of my own ideas.
I’ve found that you can hand these out: The Sunday BEFORE General Conference, the Mutual night BEFORE General Conference, or sometimes, I’ve hand delivered them to my girls the NIGHT BEFORE General Conference so that it was fresh on their minds.
Enjoy! Under each picture is the link to where you can download and print these out yourselves.
And maybe JUST MAYBE if I get on the ball this weekend – – I’ll come up with a NEW one, too!

I think your handouts are gorgeous and clever and you obviously put a lot of passion in what you do. I would be mortified if my daughter came home with a can of fizzy drink or gatorade, as I do when my children come home with lollies and treats given out in primary. LDS might not drink alcohol or tea or coffee, but the majority of us still abuse our bodies with "treat" food and encourage others to do the same through what we hand out, and have at ward activities. Just a thought ๐