All FUN FINDS are from Target today.
{Shocking, I know}.
These banners!
I couldn’t resist.
Tooooooo cute.
And cheap!
Cute little metal silverware holders.
Would be perfect for BBQs and picnics this summer!
Loving the whole NAUTICAL theme the $ bins have going on right now. This burlap bin with rope handles is too great!
If you’ve read my blog for sometime now – – you KNOW I’m a sucker for these jar glasses.
LOVE the gingham!
I ALSO really love cute cake stands.
The blue one on the left is only $10 but I think I like the big white one the very best.
Again – – with the gingham!
So perfect for beverages.
I busted out my SUMMER/PATRIOTIC decor the other day.
Will share pics soon.
For now…..
I’m loving this easy centerpiece I whipped together.
Isn’t that table runner cute?
Scored it at TJ MAXX a few days ago!
London’s 4th of July outfit for this year has been purchased.
Found it at Sams Club JUST this week.
Couldn’t resist.
Oh my heavens.
Have you been to the Sweet Tooth Fairy Bakery?
I cannot resist when I am on that side of town.
Lastly….how immature am I that I have been laughing
NON-STOP at this book cover all day….

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