Is it weird that I LOVE Mondays?
I love the fresh start of a new week!
Also to be loved? My kids going back to school for the week and being able to clean my house and do the chores that are so badly needed after a weekend.
Who’s with me?!
Today’s Fun Finds just so happen to ALL be from Target.
{No…I am not compensated from them. I wish! LoL. I just seem to have a not so mild obsession with pretty much everything inside of their store.}
Their Halloween stuff, as my boys would say….
is ‘on fleek‘!
Ha – they would die if they knew I was saying that in public.
{Other words I’m supposed to stop using in front of them….
‘Playdates‘ and ‘Dude‘.}
But whatever.
Those BOO signs and those chevron pumpkins have me all sorts of giddy.
How about these candlesticks for only SIX BUCKS?!?
I LOVE them.
And they could be used ALL year long.
Polka dot straws are always a hit!
This might be the best bunting I have ever seen.
It serves not only as decor – – but as party favors,too!
I’m not so sure what I would do with these candle holders {they are battery operated – – so even better!} but I feel like I could find SOME use for them every summer.
They’re only $2.98!
How am I just now discovering these lemon OREOS?
I’m not a HUGE lemon fan, per say – –
but these are FANTASTIC!!!
Like seriously – – my new favorite treat!
Also – this.

The message on "fleek"
Oh how I miss target. I love that store.
Love Mondays too.. seriously how does my house get so wrecked after basically 1.5 days with kids home ๐.. lol