Happy Friday!!!
Today at 3:00 begins my kiddos
SPRING BREAK for 2 weeks!
We have absolutely NOTHING planned and I could not be more thrilled about it. I’m sure we’ll do plenty of:
sleeping in, staying up late, swimming {it’s in the 80s here!}, movies, and maybe even an
MLB spring training game.
The other day I went to Target to just get ‘one’ thing…and well you know how that goes…..
How cute are these painted chalkboard pots?
$ bins.
You could even fill em up with treats to give to someone.
You better believe I picked these up for London.
Easter BUNNY EAR barretts? How could I not?!
I use takeout boxes for everything!
And this is a real score because it’s SIX for $3.
{They are a little smaller but still enough to hold a few cookies or brownies.}
I’m not sure why but I’m a big time sucker for pretty paint swatches. These gift tags were practically
CALLING my name!
Wouldn’t this cute cooking accessory set be fun to give for a birthday gift? They come with an apron and chef’s hat.
They were either $12.99 or $9.99.
I can’t remember.
DARLING Easter Bunny place card holders.
Over at the Dollar Tree….
I spotted these cute little baskets that could be used for just about anything. LOVE the jacquered pattern on the right.
THREE for $1.
Another bargain.
At the Hob Lob….
I’ve been swooning over this magnet/bulletin board everytime I enter the store – – scouring my brain for a place I could put it in my house if I bought it.
And I love this cute canvas Easter sign there as well.
{And I may have accidentally broken a plate in an attempt to get a picture of this. The things I do to get my FUN FINDS photographed. Wink!}
T.J. Maxx had these darling favor party bags.
A set of 8 for only $6.99.
I’m sure you can do the math but seriously…
that’s under a buck a bag people!
Aren’t they cute?
And now….for a couple of LOCAL Fun Finds….
I stopped by THIS cute new little bakery today.
I bought a loaf of apple cinnamon bread that I can’t wait to try! {If I’m being honest though…I do think their bread was a tad over priced.
That particular loaf was $5.95}.
Their sweets are pretty much to die for.
That shamrock sugar cookie practically melted in my mouth.
I also got a mint chocolate brownie that I’m about ready to dig into. {Because calories don’t count on Fridays, right? Or even the weekends, for that matter!} They had a sample of the brownie up front and oh my goodness! A sample just was not enough!
I will definitley be back.
Salsa Lovers!
You know us Coombs LOVE us some El Sol.
{LOVE their restaurant in downtown Chandler and LOVE their salsa sold at Costco.}
Did you know you can BUY their salsa – – made FRESH each day at their factory right off of Lindsay and Germann?
It’s true.
And now I won’t settle for anything less.

You make me want to move back to Arizona! And hello your Target and Dollar Tree have the best stuff! Ours are so crappy and run down!