It’s been awhile since my last FFF, no?
Happy to be back at it and not have as many busy things going on in my life this week.
How much do you LOVE that white bowl?
I feel like I need it for every single salad I make in the future.
Kinda pricey at $34.99 so use your coupon.
Also there…
All of their PATRIOTIC stuff is out right now and it’s making me super excited for summer!
{Although I’m dreading the 110 + heat}.
I LOVE patriotic decor because I can leave it up from Memorial Day all the way til Labor Day.
Hob Lob has also started carrying a really super adorable baby line. LOVE-ing these little nightys for newborns.
{My kids all lived in these til they were about 6 months old.}
Over at the Targ….
…they’ve started selling wooden craft supplies!
How cool is that?!?
They also have a super adorable LEGO party line if you have little ones wanting a LEGO party anytime soon.
Couldn’t pass up these cute little tumbler cups.
They’re in the $ bins and London LOVES her’s.
Thank goodness for Pandora.
I’ve discovered so many gems on my stations.
Lennon and Maisy.
Get to know them STAT!
Google em, Youtube em…whatever you have you to do.
They give me goosebumps when they sing
and their cover of Boom Clap HERE is unbelieveable.
Plus…they are stinkin’ adorable.
My last Fun Find this Friday involves……BUTT ROLLS.
They’re our family’s new fave way of doing rolls.
{Because wouldn’t you like to bite into a big ole buttery butt?}
I kid…I kid.
All you have to do is purchase a package of Rhodes frozen rolls. Grease a muffin tin and then put TWO rolls to one muffin cup opening. Cover with saran wrap and let rise, then back according to package.

I'm still in mourning that target closed there