Last week at my local grocery store they had Keebler everything on sale for super super cheap.
I picked up one of these bad boys that I’ve been wanting to try…
And it did not disappoint!
The only thing I think it could use is some peanuts.
Then it would be perfection.
Also….did you hear the GOOD NEWS?!?
Finally! A new OREO flavor I can get behind!
Who else agrees that Baskin & Robbins Mint Chocolate Chip ice-cream is the HAND DOWN the BEST in all the land of ice-cream?!?
I’m not so sure if THIS flavor is new or not at Bath and Body Works but I bought it for the first time a couple of weeks ago and I LOVE IT!!! I want to go back and buy the candle and lotion now too!!!
I LOVE this advice x 1000!

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