This week has been busy BUSY.
Things that have been occupying my time:
* Preparing to teach a Gospel Doctrine class at church on Sunday.
{Ummm, what? Why on earth would think it would be a good idea for ME to teach this class? Luckily…its just a one time gig – but still!}
* Practicing a piano piece to play in Sacrament on Sunday.
I’m accompanying a soloist who has the most BEAUTIFUL voice around and I’m terrifed that I might butcher the entire song for her.
* Prepping for the Easter bunny.
* Prepping for Teacher Appreciation Week next week.
{Ours is early this year!}
Here’s what we’ve got planned for it – – –
Anyhoozle – not much time for milling around in the stores lately.
I did manage to {quickly} hit up Michaels though and they had loads of cute goodies in their $1.50 bins.
{Why on earth did they have to go and add that .50 cents? Why couldn’t they have just kept everything $1?}
These cute little ceramic jars WITH spoons.
They’d be perfect for sugar or sprinkles.
These fun school themed notecards.
They’d be GREAT for Teacher Appreciation Week!
Why do I love wooden spoons so much?
Maybe it’s because they remind me of those little tiny ones from back in the day that came with the ice-cream cups in the school cafeteria?
I spotted these cake toppers on an endcap there.
They’re felt.
And aren’t they fun?
I also managed to {very briskly} walk down the party aisle at Target today….
I am SOOO tempted to go back and buy that white cake stand. The scalloped edge just seals the deal for me.
Happy Easter Weekend!
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