- Get my hair done. {Hallelujah}. Who knew I’d have this much gray by the age of 32?
- Pack the kids overnight bag for a sleepover at Grandma and Grandpa Lamoreaux’s. They are beyond excited. In fact, I’m almost positive that if they had a choice, they would move in with my parents and kick Joe and I to the curb. My parents rock. They really do.
- Drop the kiddies off and head to a resort in Paradise Valley to celebrate our Anniversary! Woo Hoo!
- Try THIS restaurant for dinner. We’ve never been before {I LOVE trying NEW places!} and it comes highly recommended.
- Order room service for dessert and stay up late with the hubs watching COPS on TruTV. It’s our favorite thing to do at hotels ya know.

Oh Marci, I'm with you on the grey hairs. What happened!? Found my first one on Thanksgiving morning when I was 24 and they've been sprouting ever since. BLAHHH!
Yeah for blogger!! Did you go to Fogo de Chao?? We love that place!!
Happy Anniversary! PS: I'm so glad you are on blogger too! Now I can know right away when you update! Not that I'm a stalker or anything. Ok, maybe just a lil.