My mom ordered FRESH peaches from Utah last week and gave us a bunch and they did not disappoint!
Some of you may remember this
random wierd fact about me:
I CAN’T eat MOST fresh fruit {or veggies}.
But I CAN eat them if they’re cooked.
Weird. I know.
Something with the enzymes in em.
Anyhoozle – – the smell of these fresh beauties all week have been driving me bonkers. I took it upon myself to make Peach Cobbler a couple of nights ago for dessert and YuM….it was tasty!
And SUPER easy!
Enjoy some on this fall-ish day!
{It’s cloudy here in AZ. And only in the 90s. And might even rain. I’m a little giddy.}
Fresh Peach Cobbler
{Adapted & changed slightly from THIS recipe found online}.
6 fresh peaches, sliced and cut
1 cup Bisquick
1 cup milk
1 tsp. nutmeg
2 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 cup butter, melted
1 cup of sugar
Preheat oven to 375 Degrees.
In an 8×8 baking dish, stir together Bisquick, milk, nutmeg and cinnamon. Stir in melted butter.
In another bowl, mix together peaches, sugar and a couple of shakes of cinnamon. Spoon peaches over the cobbler mixture.
Bake for 45 min to 1 hour or until golden brown. Serve warm with vanilla ice-cream

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