Joe told me he wanted a FATHERS DAY WEEK this year. {He’s caught on to the fact that I really like to drag Mother’s Day out for as long as possible. He’s really just following in my footsteps}. I said ‘your wish is my command’ {well…something along those lines} and his week included seeing the movie Super 8 not once but TWICE and also going to not one by TWO Diamondback games. I’d say he was pretty lucky. I’d say I’m pretty lucky to have him as my hubby.
The kids insisted on decorating him a cake.
Doesn’t it look appetizing?
He got his very own refillable Thirstbuster. {This will save us thousands this summer on our road trips!}
The kids made Joe lots of cards and pictures. My favorite thing about Carson’s art work is the fact that Joe and Carson’s legs come right out of their heads. Priceless!
We had dinner with Grandpa Scott and the Coombs Clan. So grateful for such a GREAT father-in-law!
And we ended the night off with sparklers in Grandma and Grandpa’s backyard. Does it get any better than that? I think not.
Tomorrow we continue the celebrations with my family…
Which will include dinner OUT with no kids.
I sure love holidays. And the men in my life.

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