Sundaes vs. Sundays.
What makes a ‘SUNDAE’ good?
Last week’s FHE lesson was all about KEEPING THE SABBATH DAY HOLY.
It was short and sweet {remember how I love those 2 things?} and left a good impression on my kiddos.
We started out the lesson by going around the room and having each person say ONE thing they LOVED about Sundays. {It’s always fun to hear their answers}.
Then I asked the kids to raise their hands if they liked: Ranch dressing? Terriyaki sauce? and BBQ sauce?
{I knew that all 3 of my kiddos LOVED these 3 particular sauces. Plus I had them in my fridge already so it was a win, win.}
Then it was time for my visuals…..
I scooped some ice-cream into a bowl and asked ‘Who wants a Sundae? You can have it before everyone else!’
Of course they all raised their hands.
Then I said – – ‘How about if we put some RANCH on it’ and squirted the ranch all over it.
This got a lot of EWwwwws.
I did the same thing with the BBQ sauce and the Terriyaki sauce.
They were all grossed out.
I said ‘But what happened? You guys said that you LOVE these sauces! Why don’t you want them on your sundaes??’
We then had a discussion on how some things are good on a Sunday {sundae} and other things that are better left to the other days of the week {and other foods}.
Get where I’m going with this?
We talked about the Sabbath Day and how playing video games, going to the store and other such things are GREAT during the week – – but on a Sunday – – it doesn’t really bring us closer to God. We talked about the importance of setting this ONE day of the week aside – – for Him.
We then went around the room and each said a way that we could improve our Sunday’s and make them special.
Then I pulled out a SUNDAY CAN that I had made up earlier that day.
I got the idea + free printables from THIS site.
{It seriously took me less than 20 minutes to print, cut and put in the can that I already had laying around my house.}
We made a commitment to: each week pull out ONE strip of paper from the can. Each Sunday, we would do that ONE activity together as a family – – in hopes that it would take the place of something else like, video games, watching tv, playing on the computer, etc.
My kids were game!
I told them that when we had pulled out and done ALL of the slips of paper – – we would go out to dinner to somewhere FUN for a Family Home Evening.
Dessert was simple.
It was…….
….ice-cream SUNDAES of course!
{The YUMMY kind!}
We also read these 2 scriptures:
And I shared this quote:
“While attending church is an important part of the Sabbath, it’s only a small part of the day. It’s how we spend our time in our homes that can make the real difference in feeling the Spirit and truly making the Sabbath a delight.”
{Unfortuantely – I don’t have who this quote is from.}

I love all these FHE ideas! You are so creative! Thanks for sharing all the fun!
You are so sweet! Thank YOU for taking the time to comment. Have a great day. xoxo
Thank you so much for an awesome FHE idea! We did it with our girls tonight and they were horrified when we poured A1 and mustard on icecream. It was the perfect object lesson! Again, thanks so much!
You are so very welcome!! I'm so glad it was a hit! xoxo