Day 7 began with lots more Razor rides.
Our cute friends from AZ just so happened to end up staying in a cabin literally across the street from us {wasn’t even planned} and so we tooled around the village for a bit with them.
That afternoon, my dad’s side of the family {the Lamoreaux’s} all came up the mountain from Cedar City for our annual family BBQ.
We have SO much fun with these guys.
Makes me wish we all lived a little bit closer.
Things worth mentioning from the BBQ:
1. We had the BEST food EVER!
Joe’s cheeseburgers were cooked to per-feksh and my aunts and cousins brought up the most DELICIOUS side salads!!!
2. My cousin whipped up his famous Dutch Oven potaotes and I may have had thirds. Makes me want to hunt for some Dutch Oven pots and pans the next time I’m at Goodwill.
3. My cousins eat their apple pie with a slice of American cheese melted on top.
Umm…..does anyone else find this odd?!?!
4. My cousin’s husband brought up his homemade potato gun and the kids had SO much fun watching him shoot apples out of it. Who knew that aerosol hairspray was the magic ingredient when it came to making these things work?!
We chatted the day away with everyone and then once everyone left, we finished up our evening with a family game of cards.
Have you ever played 4 square?
My parents taught it to us and we are hooked!

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