The morning of Day 11 was spent in a rocking chair on the front porch of our cabin.
One of my very favorite things about this cabin {and I know this sounds silly}….is reading outside on the front porch.
There’s a church just down the road and it chimes church hymns every half an hour and it makes my heart happy.
That mixed with a slight breeze and blue skies is pretty dreamy to me.
I read…….
….and it tugged at my heartstrings!!!
I am in LOVE with this book and it’s sweet TRUE story.
Read it.
It does not disappoint.
Meanwhile…inside cabin…
Mexican train was being played.
This is one of our Lam Fam favorites.
That afternoon we loaded up the car and drove down the mountain to my good ole stompin’ grounds of
{Tbird for life!}
This campus has my heart.
My kids could NOT believe that I used to work on the TV station there. So fun to show them around.
My brother treated us all to dinner at Rusty’s – – one of the best steakhouses in all of Southern Utah.
{Remember we had my dad’s 70th surprise party here just a few years ago?}
Back at the cabin we spotted 12 – yes TWELVE deer just hanging out – runnin’ around. SO cool!

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