Is this not the cutest thing for your wall EvEr?!?
My hairdresser MADE it.
By hand.
And guess what?
It’s made out of a black plastic tablecloth
from the $ store!
I loved it SO much that I had her text me some quick specific details so I could post it on the blog.
Here’s what she says:
“I just used a black tablecloth from the Dollar Store. I found a spooky face on the computer and just free handed it onto the tablecloth with white chalk. Then I cut it out carefully, trying not to rip the tablecloth. I made the turnk and half the arms and saved the scraps of tablecloth and made the rest of the branches and then attached them. The tablecloth isn’t wide enough to make the whole tree so I did it in pieces. Then I attached all of the bats, owls and crows
{which I also purchased in a package as cut-outs}
from the Dollar Tree.”
Thanks Alina!!!
I might just attempt this myself.

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