Cinco de Mayo is on Thursday this year. Joe and I L-O-V-E mexican food so my fingers are crossed that we’ll be celebrating at either Tia Rosa’s OR Macayo’s. Here’s a few ideas to help make your day a tad more fesitve:

These sugar cookie ‘Sombreros’ are adorable! Made with a gumdrop in the middle, you can find the recipe at Family Fun HERE.

Over at TIP JUNKIE I spotted this eye candy. The tomato can as a vase is what really stuck out to me. How absolutely clever!!! Found over at Name is Grace HERE.
Also…I’m sharing with you my THREE favorite mexican recipes. Perfect for a party! Since Joe and I don’t drink alcohol…we LOVE making up this non-alcoholic version of Sangria. It is DEE-LISH! Click HERE….I promise you’re going to want to make these!

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