Today I taught my cute young women from Manual 1- Lesson: 34 on
I know I say this all the time….but what a powerful lesson!
It’s based around a talk from Boyd K. Packer and it focuses on the importance of GOOD music in our lives.
“A wise man once said, βMusic is one of the most forceful instruments for governing the mind.β Whether it governs in a positive way or a negative way is determined by what it brings onto the stage of your mind. If you can say that a song is spiritually inspiring or that it urges you to see yourself in a more noble perspective, the music is worthwhile. If it merely entertains or lifts your spirits, then it also has a useful place. But if it makes you want to respond in a carnal, sensual way or to consider unrighteous desires, then that music should be avoided. It is not worthy.”
I also included in my lesson, a story from the New Era called
by Jack R. Christianson
My handout was based around this little story and it pushed across the point VERY well.
If you’d like a copy of my handout you can download the file for free HERE.
I also made up a ‘mix cd’ with 10 different songs on it.
These songs ranged from rap, classical, hymns, heavy metal, etc.
I played the first 10 seconds of each song and had the girls write down how that particular song made them FEEL. We then went around and discussed how beats, words and rhythms all effect whether a song can be UPLIFTING or not. I also included some POSITIVE pop songs to drive home the idea that POSITIVE UPLIFTING music doesn’t necessarily have to JUST be hymns and such. There CAN BE positive songs on the radio…we just had to distinguish which were which.
{If you’d like me to email you a list of the 10 songs I played, please feel free to comment on this post with your email address}.
Here’s a little tip:
The carmel apples I used were purchased from Wal-Mart for 98 cents!
Bargain, right??
You can find them in the produce section right next to the apples.
I had high hopes of making up my own but here’s the problem.
I have YET to find a recipe for dipped caramel apples that DOESN’T involve ALL of the caramel drooping to the bottom of the apple. My caramel apples just NEVER seem to turn out ‘pretty’.
If you have a TIP to making GOOD ones…please enlighten me!

Hi, Marci! I love your blog. Thank you so much for sharing. May I have your list of songs as well? Thank you!
Hi. I just came across your blog (thanks to Pinterest) and am SO excited. You are just oozing talent! Your ideas are wonderful. I know it has been a while since you did this lesson. However, I was thinking about something similar for my girls for activity day. I would love if you would e-mail me the songs used for your lesson. My email is
Thanks for all the work you do. I'm excited to see so much more!
Hi, I'm not sure if you will see this message in time, but I am prepping this lesson late (we are way behind due to the storm Sandy), and I'd love the music that you used. My email is ct20brown(at)
I would love the list of songs as well. I found your blog through pinterest and I am so happy! Thank you!
I just came across your blog today. Will you please email me the list of songs you used. You are so creative. I'll have to check back here often for more inspiration! Thanks for sharing your talents π
Could you please email me a list of the songs you used. I am teaching tomorrow and just came across your blog. Thanks
I would also LOVE a list of the songs, I am teaching this lesson on Sunday. Thanks so much
I would love a list of the songs! I am teaching this lesson next Sunday. Thanks so much, love your blog!
I'd love a list of the songs you used. ashhorne@gmail (dot) com Thank you!
Would love the list of songs you used π
Hi Marci! I just came across your blog and have fallen in love! What a beautiful example you live π If it is not too much trouble, may I have the list of songs too? Thank you so much and keep up the amazing work π
God Bless π
May I have the list as well?
A great tip for coating the apples: Wash, I mean SCRUB the apples you buy first. If you don't the chemicals they spray on the apples from the store cause the caramel to fall off! Also make sure the apples are at room temp and dry, a lot of apples tend to sweat off the caramel otherwise.
Thanks for the tip! I'll put it to use this Halloween season!!! xoxo
I would love a list of the songs you used! Thank you so much for the great ideas π
I would love for you to send me a list of the songs you used.
Thank you
Hi Marci, Im doing this lesson the week after conference and could use all the help i can get.
Could you send me the list of songs you used.
I love that you used Jack R Christiansons talk, He's my all time favorite speaker. And Happens to be my sons Mission President right now.
Thank you
Thanks for sharing your great ideas! They really help! Can't wait to use them. Please share your music list with me. Keep Sharing!!!
Thanks! Just comment with your email address and I'd be happy to send you the list! xoxo
Could I please have the list of your songs you used? That would be so helpful! π Thank you so much!
I also would like the list of songs you used! Thank you!
I would love a list of the songs. Thanks π
Please email me the list of songs you used π
I would love a list of the songs you used. I am teaching a combined YW lesson and I am SOOOO nervous! Thanks
I would love the song list. Thanks for sharing all you great ideas!
I would love a list of the songs please. I appreciate all your great ideas. You are amazing!!!
You're going to get sick of me requesting use of your amazing ideas! I'd love a list of the music used.
Thanks for the gazillionth time π
Lindsay Esplin
I love your blog you are so creative thank you so so much for sharing all of your amazing ideas and lesson print outs! Can you email me the list of songs? Thanks so much!
Walmart sells small round sheets of carmel that you just simply place on top of the apple, heat them in the oven for a few minutes, and you can then mold the carmel around the apple. Very easy and clean! I then dip mine in chocolate to help cover the bottom part of the apple but I don't think you would have to. The carmel tastes good too. Try it!
I just want to say "Thanks" for all the wonderful ideas. Unfortunately we are always on the same lesson as you so I don't actually get to use them but I'm defiantly storing them for the next time the lesson comes around.
you know i want the list!! π
I love this idea!!! ps, when you moving to Canada !!!!