The other night we had Coombs Party numero dos at our house. Here’s what I handed out as party favors:
Super simple. You’ll need:
1 pint jar
3 cinnamon sticks
3 bay leafs
2-3 Tbs. whole cloves {these will cost you the most}
1 lime slice
2 lemon wedges
2 orange slices
Place ingredients in jar and fill with water. Attach a label or tag that reads:
Pour contents into saucepan on stovetop and simmer on low heat. Add water as needed.
Growing up, my mom always had a pot of this simmering on our stove during the holiday season. The smell still brings back fond memories.
One of my favorite things about these jars are the lids. Did you know you can purchase decorative lids like this at Wal-mart? For cheap? Well…now you do!

Hi, Marci! I love your idea. It will be the perfect gift to give during our office's Christmas party. Since three years have passed, would you have an idea how long this would keep? Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful pot-pourri jar. Your blog is lovely!
Ya know – – I think it stays good for up to a couple of weeks! Hope that helps. Thanks so much for your sweet comments! xoxo
Where can I find dried orange, limes, lemons??
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Love this and all your gift ideas. I made these this winter and the scent of cloves was so overpowering. I will be lessening the amount next time to 1 tbsp. Thanks for all your work!!
I also made up labels if anyone wants them, you can email me at and be sure to write in the subject what it's for so I dont think its spam. 🙂
Happy New Year!
Thanks so much Rachel…I really appreciate it! xoxo
do u have a link to the labels because they are just so cute
You just made a TON of teachers very happy. 🙂 Thank you for this, 11 teachers/paras/cross guards and swimming instructors are going to be very happy!
How many jars does this make?
One jar per recipe!
I am making this recipe as I type! I put the lemons, lime and oranges in my dehydrator so it can be sealed in a bag and won't spoil. Put on a nice tag and it is ready to go. Makes a superb hostess gift too!
I love this idea! Thanks for sharing.
How many jars does this recipe make?
Thanks in advance!
i assume just one.
Yes, the measurements are for 1 jar.
I wonder how it would smell without the clove? I get terrible head aches from clove, but the rest sounds great! I am thinking of using the dried fruit and fancy bags for our scout troop to give as parent gifts!.
I would think adding more cinnamon or even adding some nutmeg would be fine too
If you go to the grocery isle where they sell mexican spices you can find the cloves in small packages very cheap.
Love your site, found you on pinterest and just joined your blog. Would love to have a visit from you to mine….love opinions…
I am in LOVE with this! The problem is that Walmart doesn't carry these lids in California! You wouldn't happen to be able to get them in your area and sell them to me would you? I would be so grateful!
Barbara….I most certainly will check and see if they are still in stock. Send me your email address and I can let you know!
Thanks so much! My email is
You could also use seasonal fabric between the lid and ring.
I am going to cut some circles on the Cricut (or just by hand if you don't have a die cut machine or big hole punch) out of Christmas themed paper to put on top!
I've never bought whole cloves before. Do you have any idea how many ounces would be needed for say, 12 jars of this? I want to order some online but I'm not sure how much to get. Thanks! 🙂
My hubby bought a tin of cloves for me during canning season. It's Kroger brand: 1.12 oz., about 3" tall. It contains well over 100 cloves (just guessing, but you get the idea)! You could use the cloves to stud oranges for decoration, too. Good luck!
Joy @
Thank you! 🙂
Would this work if I sat the jar on a candle warmer? Not crazy about letting the burner of my stove on for long periods of time,
I'm not so sure about that. I think your best bet would be to put it in a crock pot if you don't like the idea of the stove. Good luck!!! xoxo
Would you be willing to share the labels with us?
Unfortunately I no longer have the labels saved to my computer 🙁 xoxo
I'm going to do this! Thanks for the great idea! I was wondering if a crock pot would work as well?
Sure! I don't know why not. Just set it on LOW all day and your house will smell divine I'm sure!!
My mom would use an old crock pot to simmer
How do you make the label with the directions? ie: How big are they (dimensions?)
I have done this using dried fruit slices. Then you do not need to put the water in jar ahead of time so it will "keep" without getting moldy. It also smells wonderful if you just put fabric over the lid and tie with ribbon and put on counter until your ready to simmer it.
Where do you get the dried fruit slices?
Would the slices and wedges get moldy or gross if made ahead of time?
I wouldn't THINK so…but I'ver never made it up way in advance so I'm not 100% sure!
Darn…I don't quite no the answer to that…SORRY!
how would i seal this? hot water bath? but for how long??
Hot water bath would work. The lemons and limes are acidic, so I'm sure this would be ok. 10-15 minutes after boiling starts should do it. Good luck!
What's the difference between a "lime slice" & a "lemon wedge"?
A slice is this:
A wedge is this:
Is this just a one time use, or can it be reused?
Growing up…my mom ALWAYS had a pot of this on our stove. She'd make it up once and then just add a little more water each time to it when she wanted to use it and would let it simmer for hours on end. I LOVE the way it smelled up our house!
can you "seal" this to preserve a while?
Does this have to be put in the fridge? Before its given after its given until the person would use it?
No Kay, I don't believe it has to be refrigerated. xoxo
Does this "keep" well? How long can you keep it in the jar?
To be honest…I'm not sure!?! 🙂 Since it's not officially 'sealed' I would GUESS maybe about a month or two???
I love that you brought me some! It made my whole house smell amazing. I'm so glad to have the recipe. I am still embarrassed at how lame our party was compared to your amazing parties but I'm glad you guys came. It was fun to catch up.