Our Day 2 in California was spent at the beach.
Newport beach.
It’s one of my favorites.
The boys boogie boarded in the ocean.
{You couldn’t have paid me to get in! It was SO cold!}
London played in the sand.
And I sat in my beach chair soaking in the salty air.
It was perfectly perfect.
There was barely anybody there with us, the air was a tad bit cool and the sun was shining bright.
I always forget how much I LOVE the beach until we go.
There’s something SO soothing about it plus it brings back such good memories of growing up in northern Virginia
and going to the east coast beaches.
{For the record…the Atlantic ocean is WAY warmer than the Pacific!}
* Once we started feeling sunburnt {yup, I’m that mom who forgot the sun block} we packed up our gear and headed over to visit the Newport Beach Temple.
I’ve never seen it before in person and it was oh so pretty!!
And yes, that is an actual spiderweb in one of the trees on the property and it was bigger than an extra large pizza.
The kids were totally freaked.
* We finished the night off with dinner at The Cheesecake Factory and by watching The Masked Singer
in our beds at the hotel room.
{And I totally guessed Laila Ali! Anyone else?? We serioulsy LOVE this show!!}

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