It never hurts to butter a teacher up before school begins, right?
That’s what I thought.
Last night we had our
and the boys brought these jars in….
{Bless those teachers hearts…they deserve WAY more than bubble gum.}
The printable tag is from eighteen25 – – they have THE BEST back to school printables and ideas HERE.
My cute friend Emily posted what she made up for her kids’ teachers on Facebook and I instantly fell in love with it:
Tag reads: Sometimes I can be a LEMONHEAD but this year looks BRIGHT with YOU as my teacher.
How adorable, right? The glass jar light bulbs can purchased at Hobby Lobby and I just so happened to be there this week {surprise, surprise!} and they are HALF OFF!
Fill er up with Lemonhead candies and you’ve got yourself a TREAT!

I heart you and your amazing ideas! I love this site and I love that you are willing to post all of your idea for the rest of us to be inspired by! You rock my friend!
Have a happy weekend!
So glad my kids don't go back to school til the beginning of sept! now i can steal all your cute ideas!! hahaha