I am indeed alive and well!
Thank you for all of your sweet messages asking if I’ve been ok. It’s been almost 3 weeks since my last blog entry – – I think that’s the longest I’ve ever gone without typing.
Things are fine but I’ve been OH SO BUSY.
The busy-ness of the Thanksgiving // Christmas season is crazy enough, but add to that raising teenage kids {who knew teenagers had so many emotions?}, running an Etsy shop that BOOMS at Christmas time, family time, decorating my house and addressing and stamping Christmas cards….I feel like there just has not been NEARLY enough time during the day and my little ole blog has taken the backseat because of it. Will you forgive me?
Here’s a recap of what I’ve been up to….
MOST of the hours during my day have been spent upstairs in my craft room completing orders for my Etsy shop.
And when I’m not in my craft room….I’m at the Post Office, shipping out packages of completed items.
We did manage to sneek away up to the mountains for Thanksgiving with Joe’s side of the family and it was JUST the break we’ve all been needing.
It SNOWED which was pretty magical for us desert rats.
I lasted about 5 minutes out in it.
My kids lasted well over 5 hours in it.
We made lots of crafts, played lots of game and ate way too much. It was pretty perfect.
This past weekend, London and I continued on our very favorite Christmas tradition of all by attending
The Nutcracker ballet.
We’ve been going since she was about 2 or 3 years old and we look forward to it EVERY year.
Last night we headed over to my brother’s home where we were treated to the yummiest dinner served on the finest of china.
His house is pretty dreamy….but it’s EXTRA dreamy at Christmas time.
We attended our 2nd year of the Luminaries at the Desert Botanical Gardens with my side of the family…
It rained but we still managed to have fun and make some memories. My dad even rode one of these around {much to his chagrin…}
Lastly, this weekend we attended our kids’
Christmas dance recital….
I BEAM when they’re on stage.
They’re so much fun to watch.
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So there you have it.
That’s where I’ve been in a nutshell.
This week I hope to: finish up all of my Etsy orders that need to be shipped out, prepare for and host 2 parties at our home, attend Joe’s work party, finally figure out what we are going to do for our Christmas neighbor gifts and do some more shopping on Amazon for Christmas presents.
I have SO MANY NEW FUN things to share with you guys coming up!! Bear with me and I hope to be back to my regular blogging schedule SOON!!!

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