My parents celebrate 47 years of wedded bliss today.
{Good thing I ran into their neighbors at lunchtime….THEY informed me of this.
Good daughter I am, huh?!}
Quite an accomplishment….47 years….no?
They are such stellar examples to us all.
Here are some things you should know about my parents:
*They love a good episode of Law & Order: SVU.
My dad will always call it, however, Law & Order SUV.
He’s funny like that.
*They love a good Egg McMuffin from McDonalds.
* They both love Diet Coke just as much as I do.
*They call Costco – the Happiest Place on Earth.
*One Anniversary they celebrated by going out to Tippy’s Tacos. For 99cent tacos.
{They’ve never been HUGE spenders}.
* Ever since I was little…they’ve gone out on date nights EVERY Saturday night.
True story…back in my dad’s afro puff hair days…he’d get ready for their ‘date night’ while watching Solid Gold. How do I know? Because I’d lay on their bed and watch it on TV with him.
*They’re really funny people.
* They jump to help ANYONE out at the drop of a hat.
Including my 3 siblings and I…and our families.
*Their fridge is ALWAYS stocked with ice-cream when the kids come over.
And that’s a lot.
* They love a good road trip.
Growing up we’d drive ACROSS COUNTRY from VA to UT in the summertime.
It didn’t even seem to phase them.
We’d pass the time by singing songs, playing Old Maid, and telling stories.
Mind you…we had no A/C in our van.
Troopers…. that Jean and Ralph are.
{I couldn’t even travel to Phoenix without a DVD player for my kids!}
* They were some pretty awesome tennis players back in the day.
And they still rock it at Golf!
* They love their children.
There have been countless nights I’M SURE that they have laid awake at night worrying about each of us. They pray for us constantly.
*They love their grandchildren.
Many a times have my parents called up to say they were headed over because they ‘missed’ our kids.
{Mind you….we don’t really go more than a couple of days without seeing each other.}
It’s cute.
{Lamoreaux family}
And they’re MY parents!
How lucky am I???

Marci, a friend pinned a YW handout that I just had to check out. Doing so brought me to your blog. I thought it was adorable and decided to click around a bit more — you know how it goes. In my browsing I land on the post about your parents and their 47 years together. As I scroll through the pictures and smile at the fun things you share about them my eye skims over your brother and makes me pause. The thought "he looks familiar" goes through my mind but I don't know you, don't recognize your last name, haven't lived in the same places so obviously it's a trick of the eye. Then I see (Lamoreaux family) and it clicks! THAT IS KIRK! I have fond memories of your brother. He and I worked at the MTC together for a couple of years. His hair wasn't quite so gray back then. I'll always remember his crisply pressed shirts. Decades later I haven't met anyone that takes his shirts to the dry cleaner to get them pressed. Please pass on a hello to Kirk from Andrea Smith it was a fun trip down memory lane tonight.
This is so sweet. Happy anniversary to your parents! You have a beautiful family! ๐
Love those photos and love your parents too and what a cute thing about them. thanks again for sharing!!
I love working with your Mom. We had our presidency meeting today and never did it come up that it was her anniversary. She is so silly. I know I would have at least mentioned it. Your mom is a great lady!! You ARE lucky to have her as your mom.
Could you please send me the a&w back to school printable??? Thanks so much!