2 of my New Favorite Finds:
This baby was on sale at Sams Club last week for only $9.99. I honestly felt like I saved myself HOURS the other night when I was chopping up bell peppers for fajitas.
It is freakishly easy and furiously fast.
Oh – – and it also has lettuce spinner which I desperately needed. Soaking wet lettuce just aint my thing.
Our darling friends had us over to their new house last night for a BBQ. She served this delicious green chile sauce with tortilla chips and I’m not even kidding you when I say that I wanted to be alone with it.
It. Was. Amazing.
You could even pour this on top of frozen chicken breasts in the crockpot and MMMmmmm it would make some tasty shredded chicken for burritos, tacos, quesadillas.
It’s from Costco and I’m hightailing it there tomorrow to stock up.
{Located by the refrigerated salsa}.
2 Songs I Can’t Get Enough Of Right Now:
This is an absolutely BRILLIANT version of this song.
Listen HERE.
P.S. LOVE Sam Smith.
Listen HERE
I feel like I should sing this one to my kids everyday.

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