2 food products NOT to Try:
I usually blog about things I LOVE.
In an effort of ‘keeping it real’ however, I also find the need to inform my readers of the ‘bleh’ things I also try.
I feel like I’ll save YOU time and money by this.
Super disappointed in this protein bar – mainly because at first bite – it was absolutely delish. I LOVE peanut butter. But the after taste? No thank you! I really have YET to find a good protein bar that doesn’t leave a nasty cauliflower like after taste.
Any suggestions?
Don’t waste your time on this.
Bleh flavor.
Stick to the Boom Chicka Pop I blogged about a few weeks ago.
2 Songs We Can’t Get
Enough of Right Now:
We blast this one every time we hear it.
And London ESPECIALLY loves it since the words ‘shut up’ are ‘bad’ words at our house and not allowed.
I told her that singing this song is the only time we can say it.
Listen HERE.
I can’t tell if this is POP or COUNTRY but I really don’t care.
It’s catchy and so easy to sing along to.
How can you NOT love it?!
Listen HERE.

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