2 FALL-ish Items I Need Want:
Oh Pottery Barn.
What CAN’T you create?
This Thanksgiving Tree centerpiece – complete with acorn ornaments – is just TOO much.
You can keep it up ALL fall long.
{Note to self: Go online right after Thanksgiving
and see if this has gone on sale to buy for next year.}
Find it HERE
I’m a BIG fan of jute right now and
these jute Give Thanks letters are ADORABLE!
{And so is that wreath!!!}
Find it HERE
2 FUNNIES for the DAY:
Found on Pinterest HERE
My kids are getting ready to go on fall break and running errands with all 3 of my kiddos is NEVER good. Or fun.
Found on Pinterest HERE
These seriously made me L.O.L.
The most ANNOYING fb-er?
Hands down The Drama Queen/King.

oh I love me some potterybarn!!!
oh I laughed.. it reminded so much of some of my family!!