2 Random Bits:
How did I not know about these?!?
Have they been around forever?
Have you tried them yet?
It’s on my grocery list for this weekend.
{And I LOVE cooking with onions!}
Also – – do you ever read an article that just speaks directly to your heart? The following one did just this, yesterday to me…
by Dennis E. Simmons
I can’t even begin to put into words how much I loved this.
I read it twice!
This past week has been {sorta} a doozy for us.
{Ever have one of those weeks?}
This article reminds me that FAITH IS REAL and the LORD IS WATCHING OUT FOR US.
Our Bishop always reminds our ward that ‘the Lord is in the details of our lives!’…..and although sometimes we aren’t quite sure if He is even there……He is!
Some of my favorite quotes from the above article:
“Men accomplish marvelous things by trusting in the Lord and keeping His commandments—by exercising faith even when they don’t know how the Lord is shaping them.”
“Faith is not bravado, not just a wish, not just a hope. True faith is faith in the Lord Jesus Christ—confidence and trust in Jesus Christ that leads a person to follow Him.”
“Faith is believing that although we do not understand all things, He does. Faith is knowing that although our power is limited, His is not. Faith in Jesus Christ consists of complete reliance on Him.”
Happy Thursday!
I’m MORE than ready for a long weekend.
Aren’t you?!

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