2 Things I Love Right Now:
from Pottery Barn Kids
In true fashion – – I’m sure I’ll wait until the day AFTER Valentine’s to buy it on sale. But isn’t it ADORABLE???
A treat for every day?
Yes, please!
THIS version of ‘Thinking Out Loud’.
2 Recipes I Want to Try ASAP:
It’s one of my New Year’s goals to cook more dinners at home. These 2 recipes are at the top of my list….
The only problem with this one is that I don’t know how to use our BBQ grill. Lame, I know but I’ve never once turned it on. I always leave it up to my husband. I really should learn.
{Fun Fact: I’ve also never ever used or turned on a lawn mower. I grew up with a dad who had major OCD with his lawn and actually found JOY in mowing it. As does my husband now so…..no need to learn this one! ;)}
It’s been rainy and dreary here and soup sounds so blissful lately!

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