Is anyone else’s stomach in a knot about the election tonight? Sigh. My sister posted this quote on her wall last night and I love it OH so much!
I firmly believe this 100%.
2 Random Things:
1. We are getting a dog in T minus 3 months now.
Remember how we promised London that she could get one when she turns 8? Well, yup…times flies when you a make promise you don’t intend to keep so…..
Everyday I find pics on my phone that look like this….
….and this……
We’ve narrowed it down to 2 kinds.
{And by ‘we’ I mean ‘I’ because lets be honest…I’m going to be the one home with it all day so I get final say, right?
A Cocker Spaniel or a Terrier.
Any suggestions?
Please do spill it.
2. Hobby Lobby marked down all of their Halloween stuff today to 80% off.
I’ve been eyeing that pumpkin on the right since August. Scored it for $6 today. Pumpkin marquee on the left was only $4.
2 New Songs I Love Right Now:

Teacup Yorkie! They are so cute and don't get big!!!
We have adopted 2 mutts and they've been the best dogs. Whatever pup you choose will be loved! I will suggest a book that is the best for training your new puppy. It totally works!