We did a whole ‘lotta nothing this weekend. I baked bread on Friday… And then we started this series on Netflix…. We watched the whole 1st season Friday night. {There were only 6 episodes}. We are HOOKED. People have been telling us to watch this show since forever ago. I FINALLY get the hype about…
This Weekend:
My kids were SO bored this weekend. So bored in fact that they BEGGED to go grocery shopping with me on Friday. {They usually LOATHE going to the grocery store with me.} I decided to be nice and treat them to Sodalicious afterwards. Caffeine always cheers my kids up. Is that bad? Don’t answer. Because…
This Weekend.
This weekend was hot. Like 116 degrees HOT! It was pretty brutal. We tried to stay inside as much as possible. The kids all went swimming with cousins on Friday. I stayed home and cleaned up and baked. Blueberries are on sale practically everywhere right now and so I couldn’t resist. I made THIS recipe…