2 REVIEWS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT: {that I am not getting paid for} These are my NEW FAVORITE thing!!! You can find em hanging around the Lunchables in your grocery store. They are YUMMY and you can do SO much with them! I made my own lunchables last week, put some in a tortilla wrap….you…
TV stuff
Thoughts on AI.
* Yes…I {may} have shed a tear last night when Paul got the boot. I adored him and his cute smile. Please Paul…come out with an album that sounds as if Cat Stevens meets Ray LaMontange. That would be ideal. {Favorite Cat Stevens song ever HERE}. * I L-O-V-E Will.I.Am and his commentaries on the…
American Idol Thoughts.
Yes…since I am back to blogging…you must endure my American Idol thoughts now on a {somewhat} weekly basis. I am pleasantly surprised at how much a) I like the new judges and b) I like this new season. Lots of talent. I have THREE top picks this year but first let me say: Casey Abrams…