Just in time to pass out this Sunday!!! I’ve whipped up some NEW tags to motivate your Young Women to work on their Personal Progress this month! All you need is a box {or bag} of Reeses Pieces to go with these. There are 5 tags on a page and YOU can print them out…
This {Thanksgiving} Weekend:
* Our Thanksgiving started out with Grant and Joe playing in the annual Turkey Bowl {An ambulance was called. Thankfully, not on my 2…poor guy!}… While the other 3 of us watched the Macy’s parade. Joe thinks I’m a weirdo for loving this parade so MUCH but…I grew up with it! It’s somewhat and always…
Happy Thanksgiving!
“Sincerely GIVING THANKS not only helps us recognize our blessings, but it also unlocks the doors of heaven.” -President Thomas S. Monson HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Remember – – calories don’t count today ๐