Ready or not….graduation season is here! I have to admit….it makes me SO happy to see everyone posting on social media, all of their end of the year festivities. One year ago at this same exact time….EVERYTHING was cancelled. These photos show me that things are getting back to normal…FINALLY…and it makes me feel oh…
March Ministering Handout.
HAPPY MARCH! Holy moly — how is it already March? Doesn’t it seem weird to think that one year ago at this time, all of the craziness with the panemic began? Gah. What a year, am I right? Here’s hoping for a MUCH calmer March in 2021. Last month, Elder Gerrit W. Gong posted something…
November Ministering // Friendship Printables.
Happy November! I’m super excited about my NEW Ministering printables for this month! I love the month of November for so many reasons..but mainly because it forces us to slow down a little and reflect on what we’re GRATEFUL for in life. I just love this quote from Dieter F. Uchtdorf. These tags are great…