I’ve rounded up some our VERY FAVORITE books to read together as a family and I’m once again, sharing them with you to ENJOY. {See our last round-up of favorites HERE.} I {heart} childrens books. Like – – A LOT! I ESPECIALLY love it when the books have good illustrations. The following books have it…
Books we LOVE right now.
With it being Spring Break around here for the next two weeks, our family hit up our local library last week to stock up on good reading material. I still make like my kids to read for at least 20 minutes over the holidays to make sure they’re keeping their brain chugging. {Because with all…
Book Reviews.
I always look forward to summer time and going to the cabin because it means that I can finally relax and R-E-A-D. Which I just never seem to find enough time to do when I’m at home. At our cabin, it’s all about R-e-L-a-X-a-T-i-O-n and I love it. I was able to get in…