Our last and final day in Utah just so happened to be the 4th of July. Spending the 4th in Utah is one of my favorite things to do. It’s just too dang hot in Phoenix to do anything on the 4th.
We woke up in Heber City and got breakfast at my VERY favorite little breakfast joint: Dottie’s Kolaches. {Seriously….where can I find kolaches in AZ? Anyone?} It just so happened to be our lucky day too because they were offering piping hot bengeits that day as well! Can’t pass that up!
I let Grant drive around for a bit. Heber was A LOT more busy than I expected which equals me being terrified.
Locals: What are your thoughts on driving schools? I know they’re expensive….just wondering if they’re worth it? Grant forgets to check his blind spot whenever we switch lanes and I’m tempted to just fork out the money and have someone else drill it into his head. LoL!
The kids got on their 4th of July outfits. {The little kids….I don’t think you could pay my boys at their age now for me to pick out a 4th shirt for them, haha}.
We headed over to a fun little creek in Midway where the kids skipped rocks and Joe and Cars tried their hand at fishing again.
It was such a lovely day.
That night our friends smoked the most DELISH wings + pork for pork tacos.
I’m convinced that we need a smoker now. It was THAT good.
We let off some fireworks and had rootbeer floats to finish out the night. Utah doesn’t mess around with their fireworks. They were going off all around us from about 8:00 until 11:00 that night!!! Made it pretty fun!

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