A few years back, our Relief Society created a SUMMER READING PROGRAM of sorts where we each were challenged to read some or ALL of the General Conference talks given at the past General Conference.
This particular challenge has always stuck with me because let’s be honest…we need the words of our living prophet and apostles NOW more than EVER!
Which is why I’ve created this printable ….. to get us all motivated to do just that! To read these uplifting talks from our April 2020 General Conference. To inspire the women {and younger women in your life} to do the same!! Heck, men and families are invited in on this challenge too!
This printable was created to be used as bookmark. One that you can check off each talk as you read, to keep track. I recommend printing TWO copies of this printable and then taking it to your local print shop and having them print this front and back so that it does indeed, come out like a bookmark. {If you’re fancy, of course you can do that at home on your own printer too, I just don’t know how to do these things on my own, LoL.}
Because this printable did take some time to create, I am offering it in my Etsy shop HERE.
And guess what? I myself am starting in on this SUMMER READING PROJECT too!! Ideally, my goal is going to be to read ALL of the talks given. And here’s the thing….you can LISTEN TO THEM TOO! Isn’t that great?
If you’re wanting to encourage your Ministering sisters with this challenge, a fun idea would be to purchase the May Ensign at your local Deseret Book, attach my tag and a highlighter and you’ve got yourself a worthwhile little goodie to drop off and make someone’s day brighter with. Of course all of these talks can be found online HERE. If you’re like me though, I like something tangible that I can highlight and make notes on. {Yes, I still have an actual calendar that I write with pen and pencil on….haha. Iphone calendar? What’s that? LoL}.
Also, I’ll be highlighting a talk once a week right here on my blog. I’d love when I do so, if you’ve read the talk, to chime in with your own personal comments and we can consider it a ‘reading discussion’ of sorts for those that want to participate I always gain so much knowledge when I hear other peoples comments and insights.
I do hope you enjoy this fun challenge. I look forward to hearing about it!!

This is such a great idea! I love it and I’m definitely going to do it for my sisters.
I love the idea of a “discussion group”. I can’t wait.
Yay!! Can’t wait to hear your feedback…xoxo
Have you seen the spiral-bound journal edition of the April Conference 2020 talks that they sell at Deseret Book? I preordered some for the sisters I minister to and received them the other day. They have space in the margins to write notes. It would be so cute with your tag attached!
I have not but I will for sure check it out now! Thanks for the tip!! xoxo