If I’m being totally honest, this past weekend was just……meh.
I’m not totally sure why….but it just was. Nothing BAD happened. And we didn’t have ANY plans at all which I normally LOVE! It was just blah. Do you ever get in a funk when things just seem blah? Please, tell me it’s not just me?! I didn’t even get out my Halloween decorations and for no good reason! {Secretly, I’m hoping it will start to cool down, but I know it won’t so I just need to get into the garage and pull out ‘dem boxes!}
Anyhoo…I worked on more Etsy orders….
I love that people are already getting into the Christmas spirit and are ordering up my ornaments! Maybe I need to start playing Christmas music while I work? Maybe that’ll pull me outta the blahs?
Friday night we ordered takeout from our favorite taco joint.
Why does ordering takeout have to be so hard? I’m not kidding when I say….the last 3 times we’ve ordered takeout from somewhere…they’ve messed up our order and given us the wrong thing. Does anyone else ever have this problem? It’s getting to be a laughing joke with Joe and I.
Oh well. We ate our wrong orders anyways while watching a new 20/20 which made us happy.
On Saturday I slept in until 11:00 am. It was pretty glorious! We did the usual on Saturday. Chores, laundry, cleaning, the kids hung out with friends, etc. I made fajitas for dinner on Saturday night and we started watching the show ‘Arrested Development’ for the second time, with our kids this time. We haven’t watched it since gosh, maybe 2006ish? And we never even saw the new season that came out last year. So it was time. And our kids think it’s just as funny as we do. {Also: I forgot how much I LOVE Jason Bateman. And Will Arnett.}
Home church on Sunday. We challenged the kids to put away all of their electronics for a few hours after we held church. {It was probably the longest few hours of their life}. I however, LOVED it and read an inspirational book by the author Sheri Dew that I’ve had on my nightstand for quite some time now. So many things stood out ot me that while reading…
Ribs for dinner on Sunday night and then we watched a bit of the Emmy’s. My heart wanted to BURST for the show “Schitt’s Creek”. There are so many reasons why I love it – – so happy it won so many awards!! Can’t wait to finally get to see the season finale on Netflix soon!

I was the same this weekend .. blah and down.. mmhh what’s up with that lol